'Not for the faint-hearted' could be used to describe SPOKEN WORD POETRY across the island. In Sheffield I performed alongside lots of energetic and vocal students on 'lease' at the two universities, at slams and various festivals. The scene fed into and out of other towns in Yorkshire and Derbyshire.
The island is very different. Here spoken word poets are in for the long run, organizing and inspiring other writers and new performers before they decide to leave for university in such places as Sheffield lol.
Established performance nights can be found in Ryde, Cowes, Newport, Freshwater, and Ventnor. I salute the following established poets, JOHN ARMSTRONG, JENNI TURNER, JENI LAW, TIM CALLAGHAN MARTIN aka KING STAMMERS, COOLY HASTE, ADAM GATTEREL and DOM KUREEN.