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Whilst painting I have spent hours watching art videos on you tube. Normally, i despair at my ability to use computors-but this is well worth it. To say my A' level art teacher was boring was an understatement. Each week she would read from her yellowing notes and expect us to remember the glory of Renaisance art. She might, if she was in the mood flick a photograph to us of Titian, Cezanne or Andy Warhol. That was as far as our history went-well it was 1972-4. I have spent hundreds of pounds over the years buying art books. I was getting to the stage where my floor would have needed reinforcing! But here I am now, at the click of a button they are all here in glorious multi colour. Some have been over an hour long, SEAN SCULLY, GERHARD RICHTER, ANSELM KIEFER, and other 5-10 mins long. I must have watched MATTHEW COLLINS' This is Modern Art/1-6/I am a Genius/1999 over 3 times as i kept missing bits whilst putting paint to brush to card....... Then I came across BLOOMBERG-TATE SHOTS 3-8 minutes long.....wicked stuff. So far, it has been FIONA RAE, MONA HATOUM, LUC TUYMANS, CIARA PHILLIPS, and SIGMAR POLKE. I do think some artists must have just chewed on a house brick 5 minutes before their interview as I need an interpretor to understand what they are getting at ie SEAN SCULLY for one. I love reading the comments underneath as some say courageously what we think! My comment would be- 'Some days i feel thick, and today i feel it acutely.......'

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